Category: Innovation Parks

Visits to Innovation Parks


Paul Watson from National Innovation Centre for Data

I have been to Innovation Centres where it’s a bunch of units for rent and you are left to your own devices. I have also been to Innovation Centres where there is support for small businesses and proactive community building.  Today, I went to an Innovation Centre that actively uses their expertise and resources, working directly with businesses to deliver results, innovation and upskilling as […]


Alice Violet shares what employers look for when hiring

Our university placement student, Nathan Fowler, spoke to Alice Violet who shares what she is looking for when hiring a new employee. Alice also has a podcast call Cyber Made Human that you can find further details at the follow link,


Interview with Tom Broadway, Lead for Hub8 MX in Cheltenham

Tom Broadway is the Hub8 Lead for the Minster Exchange innovation space in Cheltenham. This is an £8.4m investment into regeneration scheme to rejuvenate the heart of Cheltenham, between Cheltenham Borough Council and Hub8, so the centre is managed by Plexal. Executive Summary What does innovation mean to you? Continued success, continued growth and having a platform to support that. Why the move to a […]


Interview with Hollie Wakefield, General Manager of CyNam.

15 July 2024, I took our university placement student, Nathan Fowler (LinkedIn), with me to Cheltenham to visit the Hub8 MX Innovation Centre and to interview some key people. We ended up with four pieces of content, which was a fantastic return. Got there and back without needing to charge my car this time, but day time driving and not having the two horrendous detours […]


Fareham Innovation Centre. Talking to Anna Bravington, innovation director.

My little side project of taking my Park Life video series on the road has finally begun. The aim is to leave my base at the Dorset Innovation Park and drive around the UK to visit other innovation centres, science parks, technology hubs and business clusters to find out their approach to innovation and building the community. My first visit was to the Fareham Innovation […]