Tom Broadway being interviewed

Interview with Tom Broadway, Lead for Hub8 MX in Cheltenham

By Gordon Fong

Tom Broadway is the Hub8 Lead for the Minster Exchange innovation space in Cheltenham.

This is an £8.4m investment into regeneration scheme to rejuvenate the heart of Cheltenham, between Cheltenham Borough Council and Hub8, so the centre is managed by Plexal.

Executive Summary

  • Centre owned by Cheltenham Borough Council and Plexal
  • Centre managed by Plexal

What does innovation mean to you?

Continued success, continued growth and having a platform to support that.

Why the move to a new location?

The offices are by the minster gardens and the church is the oldest building in Cheltenham and the area is the heartbeat of Cheltenham.

The investment in the new location for Hub8 was also to bring regeneration to the area and be part of the wider growth.

What services are provided to tenants?

We are not just a co-working space, we are a community. We build that community through events, opportunities for collaboration and partnerships, and networking.

What kind of events do you run?

Cyber Sips is like a coffee morning with a fireside speaker that have included Google, Microsoft and Qinetiq. It’s a great opportunity to network.

Do Hub8 own the building?

Hub8 doesn’t own the building. 

This is a partnership with Cheltenham Borough Council to rejuvenate the area who really want small businesses to prosper.

The Gloucestershire Growth Hub are also in the building who support small to medium sized businesses.

Hub8 has more of a Cyber and technology focus.

How important is the partnership with the Council and how does it work?

It’s important. It’s vital.

The partnership and strong support will help Hub8 to grow as well as the businesses inside it.