Systems Innovation Conference room

Systems Innovation Conference, London 2024.

By Gordon Fong

The Systems Innovation Conference 2024 was held over September 6 and 7 at The Foundry co-working space near the Oval cricket ground. It is run by Joss Colchester.

Not used to conferences starting dead on 9am, on a Friday and Saturday too, and not being an early bird either I thought it would take me a bit of time to get going. I can honestly say that the opening sessions each morning were ones that really connected and resonated with me. One even rekindled my interest back to System Dynamics that I studied as part of my Master’s Degree back in 1990.

Innovations when it comes to products and services I can get my head around that. Looking at systems which can have so much complexity, that can also be part of a bigger system, is new to me. The scale, the approach and the ability that is. Throw humans into the mix and things get even more challenging.

I just want to share some links and highlight the people that I interviewed, which will shortly be added to this blog.

The key words and phrases I consistently heard were

  • Trust, the system and the people
  • Imagine the future
  • People need to see themselves in the project

Joss Colchester (LinkedIn) – Systems Innovation Network – (My ParkLife interview with Joss)

In this snippet of Andy’s interview, he covers the costs of UK healthcare and that a lot is from preventable conditions. Without innovation in healthcare and preventative care, we are on the road to financial catastrophe.

Andy Wilkins (LinkedIn) – Future of Health

Barbara Bulc (LinkedIn) – Our Cluj City Project – (My #ParkLife interview with Barbara)

Someone that I didn’t interview but was the person who rekindled my interest in System Dynamics is Tuen Sluijs (LinkedIn) and this is a system model he built Algoa Marine Systems Analysis Tool (AlgoaMSAT)  that you can play with.